Find out more about Turkey and check the Country Profile, which includes sections on:
Adaptation, Mitigation, following Sectors: Power, Transport, Building and Industry as well as Land Use and Agriculture, NDC, and Finance. In order to go directly to one of these sections, please click on the buttons below. If you are interested in reading the entire Country Profile, please click on the picture on the left hand side.
There were no events in Turkey until now.
Press release on the occasion of the launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2022:
Language: English
Press release on the occasion of the launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2021:
Language: English
Selected newspaper article in Turkey in 2021:
G20 genelinde emisyonlar yeniden yükselişte, Gaziantep Sabah Gazetesi, 14 October 2021
İklim Şeffaflığı Raporu Uyarıyor: G20 Genelinde Emisyonlar Yeniden Yükselişte, Sefia, 14 October 2021
Rapor Uyarıyor: G20 Genelinde Emisyonlar Yeniden Yükselişte, K2 Haber, 14 October 2021
Press release on the occasion of the launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020:
Language: English
Selected newspaper article in Turkey in 2020:
2020 İklim Şeffaflığı Raporu Yayımlandı: Fosil Yakıtlara Destek Son Bulmalı, Iklim Haber, 18 November 2020
Press release on the occasion of the launch of Brown to Green Report 2019:
Language: English
Selected newspaper article in Turkey in 2019:
G20 Ülkeleri 1.5 Derece Hedefinden Çok Uzakta, Iklim Haber, 11 November 2019
Press release on the occasion of the launch of Brown to Green Report 2018:
Language: English
Selected newspaper articles in Turkey in 2018:
Türkiye’nin havası geçer not aldı, Haber7, 16 November 2018
Havamız geçer not aldı, Yeni Şafak, 16 November 2018
Press release on the occasion of the launch of Brown to Green Report 2017:
Language: English
Selected newspaper article in Turkey in 2017:
G-20’NİN GÜNDEMİNDE, Hurriyet, 6 July 2017