
COP28: G20 Acceleration Call – Implementing the fossil fuel phase-out

G20 Acceleration Call - Implementing the fossil fuel phase-out 5 December 2023 10 - 11:30 local time Regional Climate Foundations Pavilion (Zone B7, Building 88, booth 7 - ICM) The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called...

EVENT: Implementing the Energy Transition: Policies in Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia and South Africa

The Global Stocktake is clear: All countries need to raise their ambition to curb their emissions effectively, to a degree that is fair to their development status. But ambitious targets are not...

EVENT: Oil and Gas in the G20 – Who is leading the way ahead...

At the G20 Summit in New Delhi in September 2023, countries did not make progress on committing to phase out fossil fuels. In the run-up to the COP28 held in Dubai,...

How to Evaluate Implementation? Results from Piloting the Climate Transparency Implementation Check

2023 is the year of the first global Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. With the threat of overshooting the 1.5°C limit looming ever larger, all countries need to raise their...

The Climate Ambition Summit – The G20 transition from coal to renewables

The United Nations Secretary General António Guterres called to super-charge efforts to achieve the Climate Solidarity Pact through an Acceleration Agenda. The G20 as biggest emitters have the strongest responsibility to...

Event: Checking implementation of transport policies

On Friday, 9th June 2023, Climate Transparency, with funding by the European Union Climate Dialogues project, organized an event that offered an exclusive preview of the implementation assessment of of transport...

Event: Launch of the CT Report 2022 in Brazil

On 20th November the Climate Transparency Report 2022 was launched in Brazil in an online presentation and discussion live at youtube. CentroClima (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and Centro Brasil...

Event: Launch of the CT Report 2022 in Argentina

Climate action in a context of crisis Under this premise, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) presented on 31st October the new Climate Transparency Report (CTR), the global report that each year...

COP27: Climate Transparency in Sharm El Sheikh

The Secretariat and Climate Transparency partners will join the COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. We will conduct an interactive briefing on the key findings of the Climate Transparency Report 2022. Date:...

Event: Implications of coal phase-out policies to green employment and economic transformations in Indonesia

On Wednesday the 6th of July 20222, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) organized the hybrid Event "Implications of coal phase-out policies to green employment and economic transformations in Indonesia",...

Event: Decarbonising Road Transport Sector in India

On 11 March 2022 the Indian Partner of Climate Transparency, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), organised an event entitled "Decarbonising road transport sector in India - Policy and technology options". Key...

Event: Aligning international finance for the net-zero economy – A common challenge for Japan...

The German Embassy in Tokyo, the Environmental Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Climate Transparency cordially invite you to the event: “Aligning international finance for the net-zero economy: A common challenge for...

Event: A fair coal phase-out – a needed dialogue for Mexico, Chile and South...

On 14 December 2021 the Mexican partner of Climate Transparency, Iniciativa Climática de México (ICM), organised the online event entitled “A fair coal phase-out – a needed dialogue for Mexico, Chile...

COP26 Side Event: “Comparing G20 Climate Mitigation, Adaptation and Finance – Korea Focus”

On 11 November 2021, during COP26 in Glasgow, Solutions for Our Climate (SFOC) together with Climate Transparency, organised a side event at the Korean Pavilion, entitled “Comparing G20 Climate Mitigation, Adaptation...

Event in Indonesia: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2021

On 28 October 2021, a few days before COP26 in Glasgow, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) organised a launch event, during which the 2021 Climate Transparency Report has been presented....

Event in Mexico: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2021

On 21 October 2021, Mexico’s Climate Initiative (ICM), the Mexican partner of Climate Transparency, presented main findings of the Climate Transparency Report 2021. The online launch event included the participation of...

Event in South Africa: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2021

On 20 October 2021, The Energy Systems Research Group (ESRG) at the University of Cape Town, South African Partner of Climate Transparency, organised the online launch of the Climate Transparency Report...

Event in Argentina: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2021

On 14 October 2021 Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) presented the 2021 edition of the Climate Transparency Report and the Country Profile of Argentina. During the virtual event, main findings...

Event in Brazil: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2021

On 14 October 2021 the Brazilian Partner of Climate Transparency, CentroClima, together with the Brazilian Climate Center organised the launch event of the Climate Transparency Report 2021. Professor Emilio La Rovere, Head...

Event: Online Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2021

Two weeks before the G20 Summit in Rome and COP26 in Glasgow, Climate Transparency launched the 2021 edition of its yearly comprehensive overview of G20 climate action – the Climate Transparency...

Event: Change We Want – Just Transitions around the World

The consequences of the climate emergency are becoming more and more visible worldwide with floods, extreme heat waves and unusual droughts, compromising global and local efforts to combat poverty, achieve food...

Event: Climate Finance in Brazil

On 9 September 2021 the Brazilian partner of Climate Transparency, Centro Clima, organised an online event on climate finance in Brazil, during which main findings of the "Climate Finance in Brazil"...

Event: Aligning international energy finance toward the net-zero economy

With support from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Climate Transparency's partner in Indonesia, conducted a high-level policy dialogue to discuss the recent development...

Event: Decarbonisation and Electrification of the Transport Sector in Brazil

On 11 August 2021 the Brazilian partner of Climate Transparency, Centro Clima, organised an online event, which has been joined by the representatives of the national government, NGOs, business, think tanks,...

Event: Mexico’s Climate Transparency Dialogues

Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate transparency, through the guidelines for reporting Parties' actions, aims to build confidence in implementing the Paris Agreement and addressing the...

Event: The role of central banks in tackling climate change

Climate Transparency’s partner organizations FARN and ODI co-organized two online events in February and April 2021 to raise awareness about the role that central banks can play in tackling climate change,...

Event: A just transition towards carbon neutrality – China and Germany share experiences

Greenovation Hub, Climate Transparency, the Institute of Finance and Sustainability, GIZ and the German Embassy in Beijing hold the online event: A just transition towards carbon neutrality: China and Germany share experiences 25 March...

Event: Beyond coal – South Korea and Germany share experiences

Solutions for Our Climate, Climate Transparency and the German Embassy in Seoul hold an online event on 27 January 2021: “Beyond Coal – Towards Net-Zero Emissions: South Korea and Germany Share Experiences” South Korea...

Event: Beyond coal – Towards net-zero emissions

The German Embassy in Tokyo, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Climate Transparency hold an online event on 18 December 2020: “Beyond coal – Towards net-zero emissions: A common challenge for Japan...

Event: Energy & climate challenges – closing 2020 and key 2021 issues

On 17 and 18 December, Climate Transparency together with Enerdata organized two sessions of an online event entitled: "Energy & climate challenges: closing 2020 and key 2021 issues". As countries gradually revise...

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in Mexico

Governments need to rethink how to proceed with a just energy transition, as science has warned about the irreversible environmental consequences if the Earth’s average temperature exceeds 1.5°C. This has also...

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in Brazil

On 25 November 2020 CentroClima, Climate Transparency’s partner organisation in Brazil, hosted an online event on the occasion of the launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020. The event gathered over...

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in South Africa

The Energy Systems Research Group (ESRG) at the University of Cape Town, the South African Partner of Climate Transparency, organised a national online launch event on the occasion of the Climate...

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in India

On 23 November 2020 The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), the Indian partner of Climate Transparency, organised a national online launch event on the occasion of the 2020 Climate Transparency Report’s...

Event: Online Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020

The Climate Transparency Report 2020 (formerly the Brown to Green Report) was released on 18 November 2020. On this occasion, we organized three thematic online launch events. Besides showing how individual countries perform...

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in Argentina

The Argentinian economic recovery can and must be compatible with climate action and in line with the Paris Agreement - this is the conclusion from an online event entitled: "Climate change:...

Event: NDC Transparency Check to support countries’ NDC updates

In cooperation with the World Bank, we invited on 19 November 2020 to an online event which introduced the NDC Transparency Check as a tool to support countries' NDC updates. About the...

Webinar: Descarbonisation in the transport sector of Mexico

Climate Transparency's Partner in Mexico, Iniciativa Climática de México, organised on 31 March 2020 an online seminar entitled: "Decarbonisation in the transport sector of Mexico".The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the...

Webinar: The Role of Electric Vehicles

Climate Transparency's Partner in Indonesia, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), organised a webinar entitled "The Role of Electric Vehicles in Decarbonizing Indonesia’s Road Transport Sector".  The webinar toook place on 29...

Event: Transforming transport in South Africa

The Energy Systems Research Group of the University of Cape Town, the South African Partner of Climate Transparency, organised a symposium on the future of transport in South Africa. The event has...

Climate Transparency at COP25 – Side Events

During COP25 in Madrid, Spain, Climate Transparency organised several side events. All details can be found below:"High expectations – Did the UN Climate Action Summit achieve higher climate ambitions?" 2 DECEMBER 2019 (Monday) 18:30...

Event: Launch of the Brown to Green Report 2019 in Mexico

Iniciativa Climática de México (ICM) and Climate Transparency in alliance with UK PACT (Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions) and the Plataforma México Clima y Energía (PMCE) co-organized the forum: “Nationally Determined...

Event: Launch of the Brown to Green Report 2019 in South Africa

The Energy Systems Research Group (ESRG) at the University of Cape Town, previously part of the Energy Research Centre, and the Embassy of France in South Africa, together with Climate Transparency...

Event: Launch of the Brown to Green Report 2019 in Indonesia

The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) and Climate Transparency organised the launch of the Brown to Green Report 2019 in Indonesia, which took place on 19 November 2019 (Tuesday) in...

Event: Launch of the Brown to Green Report 2019 in Argentina

Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) organised a two-day event on 13 and 14 November 2019, entitled "Climate crisis: ambitious and technically feasible approaches", in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during which the...

Event: Online Launch of the Brown to Green Report 2019

Ahead of COP25, Climate Transparency launched its Brown to Green Report 2019. Covering 80 indicators, the report is the world’s most comprehensive review of G20 climate action. It provides concise and...

Event: Presentation of the Brown to Green Report in Brazil

The Brown to Green Report 2018 launch in Brazil was held at the Salvador Climate Week on 21 August 2019. Along with the launch of the Brown to Green Report, the Climate...

Event: Strategy & Partners Workshop 2019

Berlin, 21-23 May 2019; Climate Transparency’s Strategy and Partners Workshop gathered partners from 14 organisations from different G20 countries and affiliated experts from various stakeholder groups such as civil society, foundations,...

21 May 2019 l Event: Brown to Green Forum

The British Embassy Berlin and Climate Transparency organised the Brown to Green Forum: Managing the phase out of coal - perspectives from Germany, the UK and other G20 countries, which took...