G20 Acceleration Calls

The G20 countries need to accelerate climate action with higher ambition, stronger implementation, and deeper cooperation. G20 Acceleration Calls give an overview of where G20 countries stand in their transition away from fossil fuels and provide key recommendations for each country.

EVENT: Driving Climate Implementation and Financing the Energy Transition in the...

On 24th September 2024 as part of New York Climate Week programm, Climate Transparency partners from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Indonesia presented their preliminary...

COP28 and fossil fuels: Signal set, ambition and implementation loop must...

The COP28 concluded with the first ever Global Stocktake by calling on parties to contribute to “transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems...

COP28: G20 Acceleration Call – Implementing the fossil fuel phase-out

G20 Acceleration Call - Implementing the fossil fuel phase-out 5 December 2023 10 - 11:30 local time Regional Climate Foundations Pavilion (Zone B7, Building 88, booth 7 -...

EVENT: Implementing the Energy Transition: Policies in Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia...

The Global Stocktake is clear: All countries need to raise their ambition to curb their emissions effectively, to a degree that is fair to...

EVENT: Oil and Gas in the G20 – Who is leading...

At the G20 Summit in New Delhi in September 2023, countries did not make progress on committing to phase out fossil fuels. In the...

How to Evaluate Implementation? Results from Piloting the Climate Transparency Implementation...

2023 is the year of the first global Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. With the threat of overshooting the 1.5°C limit looming ever...