The Summary Report 2020 provides a comprehensive overview of all G20 countries, whether – and how well – they are doing on the journey to transition towards a net-zero emissions economy. The report draws on the latest emissions data from 2019 and 2020 and covers 100 indicators on decarbonisation, climate policies, finance and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Providing country ratings, it identifies leaders and laggards in the G20.
Click on the Key Graphs of the Report 2020 to open in new window for download.
Click the button to download the Technical Note of the Climate Transparency Report 2020.
Climate Transparency launched its “Climate Transparency Report 2020” on 18 November 2020.
the Guardian (Australia)
“Australia’s climate record labelled ‘simply embarrassing’ and among worst of G20 nations“
China Dialogue (China)
Handelsblatt (Germany)
“Experten schlagen Alarm: Corona-Konjunkturpakete in G20-Ländern bremsen Klimaschutz“
Spiegel (Germany)
“Wie milliardenschwere Hilfspakete den Klimaschutz aushebeln könnten“
Deutsche Welle (Germany)
“India only G20 nation doing its ‘fair share’ to meet 2 degree goal — report“
The Times of India (India)
“India only G20 nation on track to meet Paris pact’s 2°C goal“
“Le emissioni di CO2 dei paesi del G20 in (lieve) calo. È la prima volta“
Mail & Guardian (South Africa)
Hankyung (South Korea)
iklim haber (Turkey)
“2020 İklim Şeffaflığı Raporu Yayımlandı: Fosil Yakıtlara Destek Son Bulmalı“