G20 countries represent two thirds of the world population, and four fifths of global economic output, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP). Collectively, these countries currently emit three quarters of global annual greenhouse gases (GHG).
There are good reasons to draw attention to the climate mitigation action of the G20. Because of their collective size, it is vital that G20 countries reduce their per capita emissions to the safe range mentioned above, even though this would be insufficient on its own to tackle climate change. Because of their enormous political and economic power, these countries help determine the dynamics of the global economy.
A thorough comparison of the climate mitigation action of G20 countries is a vital precondition for stimulating national debates about what is fair and possible. A transparent comparison of climate action will inform such debate, hold governments to account, and help the world understand what it would take to avoid dangerous climate change. A comparison of climate action across nations must consider a range of criteria: the historical development of emissions; the capacities and capabilities of countries; indicators of decarbonisation, such as the development of renewable energy, and carbon and energy intensity; the national and international climate policy performance of governments; and policy ambition, as expressed in countries’ Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), in the context of the globally agreed 2°C target.
This report focuses in particular on two assessments: the Climate Action Tracker (CAT); and Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI). Climate Transparency has chosen these assessments on the basis that they: cover all G20 economies; have transparent methodologies; use recent and publicly available data; and adopt complementary approaches that together reveal a composite picture of mitigation action.
This composite picture of climate mitigation action by G20 countries consists of three parts:
It summarizes findings of the G20 Country Profiles representing the joint judgement of Climate Transparency and its partners. It also includes a tables of key indicators of G20 countries and a G20 Performance Ranking which summarizes the assessments of the Climate Action Tracker and the Climate Change Performance Index.
Country Profiles
The Country Profiles portray climate action by all G20 countries based on the findings of the Climate Action Tracker and the Climate Change Performance Index. Three main categories are covered i) Emissions; ii) Decarbonization; and iii) Climate Policy and Targets.
Full Report
The Full Report covers the Summary, Country Profiles, Co-benefits, additional methodologogical information, an extended introduction and a foreword by the co-chairs of Climate Transparency.