Brown to Green Report 2018

The Brown to Green Report 2018 is the world’s most comprehensive review of G20 climate action. It provides concise and comparable information on G20 country mitigation action, finance and vulnerability.

Developed by experts from 14 research organisations and NGOs from the majority of the G20 countries, the report covers 80 indicators. It informs policy makers and stimulates national debates.

The Summary Report 2018 provides a comprehensive overview of all G20 countries, whether – and how well – they are doing on the journey to transition to a low-carbon economy. The report draws on the latest emissions data from 2017 and covers 80 indicators on decarbonisation, climate policies, finance and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Providing country ratings, it identifies leaders and laggards in the G20.

This version of the report was updated on 14 November 2018 at 11:00 AM (CET). 

Video Recording

Click on the picture of each country profile to download the document.

Argentina (in Spanish)

Brazil (in Portuguese)

China (in Chinese)

Indonesia (in Indonesian)

Mexico (in Spanish)

Click on the Key Graphs of the Brown to Green Report 2018 to open in new window for download.

Gap between NDC targets and 1.5°C Paris Agreement temperature limit

GHG emissions range (excl. LULUCF) (GtCO2e)

Trends of emissions, carbon intensity and energy intensity in G20 countries (1990-2017)

G20 average, change to 1990 (%)

Share of fossil fuels and ‘zero-carbon‘ fuels in total primary energy supply (TPES)

Energy-related CO2 emissions per capita

Level 2017 (tCO2/cap)

G20 Climate policy performance rating

Sectoral decarbonisation indicators

Approaches to implementing the recommendations of the TCFD

Fossil fuel subsidies in the G20

Revenues of explicit carbon pricing mechanisms in G20 countries

G20 Public finance to coal, oil and gas projects

International public climate finance provision relative to GDP

Climate finance per US$1,000 GDP

Power sector

Buildings sector

Transport sector

Industry sector

Forestry sector

“Global emissions need to peak in 2020. The Brown to Green report provides us with an independent stocktake, where we stand now. This is valuable information for countries, when they declare their contributions in 2020.”

Christiana Figueres, Former Executive Secretary, UNFCCC (2010-2015) and Convenor, Mission 2020


“Global climate action needs to be enhanced to safeguard the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. The Brown to Green report contributes to our knowledge on how to make a transition to climate-resilient low emission development. It shows where we stand, it is a learning platform and demonstrates good practices in G20 countries.”

Michał Kurtyka, COP24 President


“The Brown to Green Report provides transparency about climate actions: Where are the gaps? Where are we running behind? And where does words and actions not fit? This mapping is a crucial tool for those who want more action.”

Connie Hedegaard, Former European Commissioner for Climate Action (2010-2014)


“Business needs to lead in the transition to a low-carbon economy. The Brown to Green Report sends a strong signal to the G20 that financial markets and economic development are dependent on ambitious climate action.”

Paul Polman, Co-Chair of The Global Commission on The Economy and Climate, CEO of Unilever


“This year’s Brown to Green Report follows a major UN climate science assessment underlining the urgency of immediate action as well as a raft of extreme weather events that have wrecked lives and caused billions of dollars of damage. In the face of such overwhelming evidence, it’s clear that G20 countries must rise to the challenge and reap the rewards from tackling the climate challenge. Especially in the areas of power and transport sectors there is a need to work harder, much harder.”

Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation and architect of the Paris Agreement

Climate Transparency launched its 2018 Report „Brown to Green – the G20 transition to a low-carbon economy” ahead of the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires in November 2018, followed by several events in partner countries. International media work only during the first day after the launch resonated in nearly 900 media stories.

Below you can find examples of the media coverage. Click on the picture to read the full article.

The Guardian (UK)

“G20 nations still led by fossil fuel industry, climate report finds”


“No G20 countries are meeting climate targets, says report”

Infobae (Argentina)

“Ningún país del G20 cumple con las metas establecidas por el Acuerdo de París sobre Cambio Climático”

O Globo (Brazil)

“Temperatura do planeta poderá aumentar 3,2 graus Celsius, muito além da meta de 1,5”

Les Echo (France)

“Réchauffement climatique: les pays du G20 pointés du doigt”

Spiegel Online (Germany)

“Deutschland schludert beim Klimaschutz”

Handelsblatt (Germany)

“Diese Studie zeigt, wie rückständig die G20-Staaten beim Klimaschutz sind”

Tagesschau (Germany)

“Es reicht nicht”

TAZ (Germany)

“Der Club der dreckigen Zwanzig”

ZEIT Online (Germany)

“G20-Länder haben schlechte Klimaschutzbilanz”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany)

“Bericht: G20-Staaten hängen beim Klimaschutz hinterher”

Financial Express (India)

“India’s transition to low carbon economy still short, claims report”

Newsy, “G20 is far from reaching Paris climate goals”

eNCA, “Brown to green” report

Arirang News, “G20 countries failing to meet carbon reduction goals: Brown to Green report”,