Climate Transparency’s Partner in Indonesia, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), organised a webinar entitled “The Role of Electric Vehicles in Decarbonizing Indonesia’s Road Transport Sector“.
The webinar toook place on 29 March 2020 at 14.00 WIB (GMT+7) and was conducted in Bahasa.
In Indonesia, emissions from the transport sector make up almost 30% of total CO2 emissions. The highest emissions come from road transport (mainly private vehicles), which accounts for 88% of total emissions in the sector (IEA, 2015). The domestic car market has expanded almost twice for the last 15 years (from 483,148 in 2003 to 856,439 in 2018). There is a possibility of increased use of cars in the future; thus, the transport sector will continue to be one of the main emitters in the country.
The government, however, limits the mitigation plan of the transport sector, in the existing pledge, only to fuel shifting (bio-fuel and natural gas). Meanwhile, electric vehicles’ role (including hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric vehicles), which many see as a key in reducing GHG emissions in the sector, is still missing in the NDC. Indonesia must therefore take an urgent mitigation action in the transport sector.
Institute for Essential Services Reform, together with other Climate Transparency’s partners, conducted a study in the decarbonising transport sector. This study aims at analysing how decarbonisation in the transport sector could boost Indonesia’s ambition to meet the Paris Agreement to align with 2/1.5oC. During the webinar the results of the study conducted by IESR will be presented.