2023 is the year of the first global Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. With the threat of overshooting the 1.5°C limit looming ever larger, all countries need to raise their ambition to curb their emissions effectively, to a degree that is fair to their development status. But ambitious targets are not sufficient on their own – policies need to be implemented to keep the 2030 targets within reach.

Climate Transparency’s new Climate Policy Implementation Check has been designed to assess, rate, and monitor the implementation status of policy instruments along four categories: legal status, institutions & governance, resourcing, and oversight. Funded by the European Union through the European Union Climate Dialogues (EUCDs) project, the Implementation Check piloted an assessment of specific policy instruments for transport decarbonisation in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and the EU. Its application is currently being expanded to cover energy transition policies in Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia, and South Africa.

How to Evaluate Implementation?
Results from Piloting the Climate Transparency
Implementation Check

21 September 2023 (Thursday)

9:00-10:00 EDT (15:00-16:00 CEST)

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During the event, we will discuss the importance of implementation monitoring in light of the Global Stocktake, as well as how the Climate Policy Implementation Check can be made relevant for national and international accountability. We will present results of the most recent assessments and provide examples, discussing ambition and implementation, and their potential interplay.

In an interactive Panel discussion, we will cover:

  • How can it be ensured that ambitious NDCs are translated into effective implementation?
  • Which role should independent assessment and monitoring play in public accountability systems?
  • Can tools such as the Climate Policy Implementation Check supplement the UNFCCC’s Enhanced Transparency Framework?
  • What lessons can be learned from our results for better policy design and implementation?

Panelists (tbc): Florian Mersmann (Berlin Governance Platform), Julia Horn (Berlin Governance Platform), Mariana Gutiérrez Grados (Iniciativa Climática de México), William Wills (Centro Brasil no Clima), Alvaro Pinzon (Transforma Global), Gian Fava (Transforma Global), Manish Shrivastava (TERI), Guy Cunliffe (University of Cape Town), Delima Ramadhani (IESR), Yvonne Deng (7Gen)