The Brown to Green Report 2018 together with India’s country profile have been presented in India during a launch event on 21st November 2018. The report was much appreciated for its comprehensiveness and detailed information regarding India’s position in emission reduction primarily in paths of decarbonization, performance and policy.
Major discussions of the event revolved around ways to overcome the major gaps for emission reduction at country level primarily through carbon technological interventions, increasing carbon sinks, benchmarking ambitions, proactive involvement of the private sector and most importantly initiating a reduction of the carbon footprint at individual level.
The discussion was chaired by Mr RR Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow at TERI along with inputs of prominent people from the NITI Aayog (Planning Commission), Ministry of Finance and Centre for Policy Research.
Panelists included: Mr Thomas Spencer (Fellow, TERI), Mr Jitendra Kumar (Advisor, NITI Aayog), Mr R R Rashmi (Distinguished Fellow, TERI), Dr Ajay Mathur (Director General, TERI), Mr Navroz K Dubash (Professor & Coordinator, Initiative on Climate, Energy and Environment, Centre for Policy Research), Mr Abhishek Acharya (Joint Director, Ministry of Finance).