On 20th November the Climate Transparency Report 2022 was launched in Brazil in an online presentation and discussion live at youtube. CentroClima (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and Centro Brasil no Clima (a think tank focused on increasing ambition in the country) promoted an interesting discussion with the participation of Dr. William Wills, Brazilian author of the study and representative of Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ and Sérgio Besserman, Coordinator of the Climate Reality Project Brazil. The conversation was mediated by Guilherme Syrkis, executive director of Centro Brasil no Clima.
The Brazilian press, during the midst of coverage of de presidential elections, highlighted that the main concern in relation to Brazil stems from the greatest devastation of the Amazon rain forest in the last 15 years.
Brazilian author of the study, William Wills, explains that there was a methodological advance in national inventories and, as a consequence, the emission of gases in Brazilian increased in 2005, the base year of the NDC. However, the growth is relatively small after the increase in the reduction target in 2030 was raised from 43% to 50% compared to 2005, in the NDC update presented by Brazil. “More important than sticking to the details of these numbers is than sticking to the details of these numbers is ensuring that policies and structuring measures are implemented to reduce deforestation in the Amazon to zero and that carbon pricing is advanced in the country”.
However, Wills highlighted that the worst news brought by the report refers to land use in Brazil and deforestation in the Amazon, which, in 2021, registered a new negative record, a situation that is expected to repeat itself in 2022. “Emissions from deforestation returned representing half of the country’s total emissions, a situation that seriously threatens Brazil’s chances of meeting the NDC targets established for 2025 and 2030”.
In Sérgio Besserman’s opinion, the impacts of climate change had been repeatedly ignored, but they are already beginning to be felt by the Brazilian population. “The effects are already being felt by the loss of agricultural productivity and the increase in floods. The fact that the Amazon and the environment are present in the Brazilian electoral campaign is a symptom that Brazilians already clearly perceive climate change as a very serious issue”, he records.
The Brazilian press highlighted that, between 2017 and 2021, the Brazilian population was exposed to temperatures 0.3 ºC higher than the average recorded in the period from 1986 to 2005. In addition, journalists drew attention to a loss of 5.3 billion potential working hours from severe heat exposure.
Guilherme Sirkis, head of Centro Brasil no Clima was the facilitator of the event and opened with a contextualization of the situation in brazil, and the importance of the election results to climate change and to the environment in Brazil.
William Wills, senior researcher at CentroClima and the Brazilian author of the study presented in detail the 2022 Climate Transparency Report and the Brazilian Country Profile, with a comparative analysis of the behaviour of different indicators shown in the reports and on how Brazil could advance its climate agenda.
Sergio Besserman, former president of IBGE (Brazilian institute for Geography and Statistics, Senior Consultant at Centro Brasil no Clima, and Professor at the Catholic University In Rio de Janeiro) commented on the presentation and both reports, linking all the information presented to the current climate/environment situation in Brazil.
The live event lasted about one hour and had until November 23rd 169 views, 37 “likes” and no “dislikes”.
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