The Climate Transparency Report 2020 (formerly the Brown to Green Report) was released on 18 November 2020. On this occasion, we organized three thematic online launch events. Besides showing how individual countries perform compared to their G20 peers in the categories: mitigation, finance and adaptation, this year’s report provides most recent emission data for all G20 countries as well as a comprehensive overview of corona recovery packages.

Download the Summary Presentation here.

The Events:

The Climate Transparency Report 2020: G20 Climate Action in Times of Corona Crisis

The event on 18 November marked the official launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020. Partners of the Climate Transparency network presented main findings on the G20 countries’ climate performance in the areas of mitigation, finance and adaptation. In addition, an overview of COVID-19 impacts on climate action was given.

Speakers and Moderator:

Moderator: Deborah Ramalope
Climate Analytics
(International Secretariat of Climate Transparency)

Catrina Godinho
Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform
(International Secretariat of Climate Transparency)

Joojin Kim
Solutions for Our Climate
(Republic of Korea)

Mariana Gutiérrez Grados
Iniciativa Climática de México

Recording of "G20 Climate Action in Times of Corona Crisis"

The Climate Transparency Report 2020: G20 Climate Finance and Green Recovery Packages

During this event on 25 November, the finance part of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 was presented. Besides covering latest findings on how to align financial activity with the Paris Agreement,  information and assessments of COVID-19 recovery packages was given.

Speakers and Moderator

Moderator: Thomas Spencer
The Energy and Resources Institute

Charlene Watson
Overseas Development

Enrique Maurtua Konstantinidis
Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

David Ryfisch

Recording of "G20 Climate Finance and Green Recovery Packages in Times of Corona Crisis"

The Climate Transparency Report 2020: Decarbonizing Power Sector in G20 countries in Times of Corona Crisis

The presentation on 2 December provided results of the G20 power sector including effects the corona crisis had on the sector. In the context of the pandemic, our experts explained why it is more urgent than ever to build a resilient and sustainable power supply in the G20.

Speakers and Moderator:

Moderator: Jorge Villarreal
Iniciativa Climática de México

Fabby Tumiwa
Institute for Essential Services Reform

Jesse Burton
The Energy Systems Research Group
(South Africa)

William Wills
Centro Clima

Recording of "Decarbonizing Power Sector in G20 countries in Times of Corona Crisis"