The United Nations Secretary General António Guterres called to super-charge efforts to achieve the Climate Solidarity Pact through an Acceleration Agenda. The G20 as biggest emitters have the strongest responsibility to “make extra efforts to cut emissions (…) in a common effort to keep 1.5 degrees alive”. In practice this means to transition from coal to renewables, incl.:

  • No new coal and the phasing-out of coal by 2030 in OECD countries and 2040 in all other countries;
  • Ending all international public and private funding of coal;
  • Ensuring net zero electricity generation by 2035 for all developed countries and 2040 for the rest of the world.

The newest publication of Climate Transparency “G20 Acceleration Call – From Coal to Renewables” identifies three steps that are key to accelerate climate action in the G20: higher ambition of national climate targets, stronger implementation to deliver on existing plans, and deeper cooperation to use the G20’s collective political, technological and financial power. The Call gives a short overview about the transition from coal to renewables in the G20 and provides key recommendations for each country.

On 20 September 2023, the day of the UNSG Climate Ambition Summit, we discussed:

  • Where do G20 countries stand in phasing-out coal and phasing-in renewables?
  • What commitments and announcements are made for the Summit?
  • What are the main recommendations for the G20 countries to accelerate coal phase-out and renewables phase-in?

Climate Transparency partners and experts from G20 countries addressed these questions and provided most urgent recommendations for higher ambition, quicker implementation and better cooperation.


9:00-9:05           Welcome

                            Sebastian Wegner (Climate Transparency)                                     

9:05-9:15           On the road to ambition

Overview of the G20 Acceleration Call “From coal to renewables”

Julia Horn (Climate Transparency)

9:15-9:30           Commitments made by G20 towards the Summit

Open exchange between all participants

9:30-10:00         From ambition to implementation

The transition from coal to renewables in G20 countries – latest developments and recommendations

Discussion with inputs from Germany, India (tbc), Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa