18-19 April Tokyo, Climate Transparency together with the Japanese Partner, IGES, and ODI, among others, organised on 18-19 April 2019 in Tokyo an international workshop on G20 Subsidies and Public Finance for Fossil Fuels. Partners of Climate Transparency from South Africa, Indonesia and Argentina presented their countries’ experience with regard to fossil fuel subsidies and finance wins.
The main objectives of the 2-day event were:
- Share information on progress made and remaining challenges around ending fossil fuel subsidies and finance at the international level and in G20 countries
- Discuss strategies for increasing commitments and implementation of ending fossil fuel subsidies and finance at the international and national levels
- Building on the regional focus of the Argentina workshop last year, share knowledge and understanding of fossil fuel subsidies and finance in Japan and regionally in Asia
On the first day experts from Japan, Korea, India, Indonesia and China focused on setting the stage on G20 fossil fuel subsidies and finance, especially in Japan and Asia. This has been followed by discussions on tracking progress on fossil fuel subsidies and on public finance for fossil fuels.
The second day began with presentations from country partners on lessons learned from subsidies and finance wins. Input came from representatives from Canada, US, Argentina, UK, Italy, India, Indonesia, Korea China, Japan and South Africa and subsequent open discussion.
During the second part of the day participants discussed strategies and activities for G20 (Japan), G7 (Frange), UNFCCC (Article 2.1c), UN SDGs (Goal 12), UNSG Summit and further international initiatives.