Berlin, 24-25 January 2017; To drive the implementation of the Paris Agreement under the German G20 presidency, Climate Transparency will publish its 2017 Brown to Green Report before the G20 summit in July 2017. Providing a credible and comprehensive comparison of the climate performance of G20 countries the report also strives to stimulate national debate in these countries. Several communication activities in different G20 countries and a launch event are planned around the publication of the report.
During the two-day Partners & Strategy Workshop prior to the Brown to Green Forum, the partners and observer of Climate Transparency discussed and decided on the 2017 activities. This included particularly, the content of the 2017 Brown to Green Report, country-specific communication plans and a governance model.
Next to Germanwatch, HUMBOLDT-Viadrina Governance Platform, NewClimate Institute and Overseas Development Institute, several new partners joined the workshop: Centro Clima (Brazil), Energy Research Center (South Africa), Energy Research Institute (China), Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Argentina), Initiativa Climática de Mexico (Mexico), Institute for Essential Service Reform (IESR), Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (France) and The Energy and Resources Institute (India).