On 17 and 18 December, Climate Transparency together with Enerdata organized two sessions of an online event entitled: “Energy & climate challenges: closing 2020 and key 2021 issues”.
As countries gradually revise their NDCs to target more ambitious emissions reductions, Enerdata and Climate Transparency analyse current mitigation trajectories, and how the current Covid19 pandemic might impact mid- and long-term goals.
Based on the recent Climate Transparency report, fed by a number of Enerdata’s analyses, we summed up 2020 trends and took an in-depth look at 2021 with regard to the upcoming NDC revision and next round of climate negotiations (COP26), and what consequences national recovery plans could have on decarbonisation efforts.
Charlene Watson
Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute
Charlene Watson currently focuses on the complexities associated with channeling and programming climate finance effectively.
Gerd Leipold
Programme Director, Climate Transparency
Dr. Gerd Leipold is an expert on sustainability, public policy and communication, with a wide knowledge in global energy and environmental issues.
Pascal Charriau
CEO, Enerdata
Pascal Charriau has a strong industrial background on energy issues and a large international experience.