Event: Decarbonisation and Electrification of the Transport Sector in Brazil

On 11 August 2021 the Brazilian partner of Climate Transparency, Centro Clima, organised an online event, which has been joined by the representatives of...

Paper: Build back better – India’s post-Covid Economic Growth

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the world's economies in a unique way and at an unprecedented scale. On the flipside, it has also given...

Paper: A Low-Carbon Transport Future for South Africa

The South African transport sector, which accounts for 14% of total emissions, is set to potentially become the largest greenhouse gas emitter by 2050...

Paper: Decarbonising Transport in Germany

In order to become carbon-neutral before 2050, Germany urgently needs to tackle greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector – the only sector with...

Paper: Making Transport Paris-Compatible in Mexico

The transport sector in Mexico is responsible for more than a quarter of domestic emissions, with the automotive sub-sector accounting for 21.8% of total...

Paper: The Role of Electric Vehicles in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the transport sector contributed 28% of energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2018, mostly from road transport. At the same time, in...

Paper: Sustainable Mobility – Challenges for Argentina

The transport sector in Argentina is the biggest final energy consumer in the country, with almost 31% of total primary energy in 2017, and...