Event: A fair coal phase-out – a needed dialogue for Mexico,...

On 14 December 2021 the Mexican partner of Climate Transparency, Iniciativa Climática de México (ICM), organised the online event entitled “A fair coal phase-out...

Paper: Energy Transition in Mexico – A fair coal phase-out

Designing a fair coal phase-out strategy in Mexico is one of the country’s most urgent measures to address climate change and to ensure an...

Event: Change We Want – Just Transitions around the World

The consequences of the climate emergency are becoming more and more visible worldwide with floods, extreme heat waves and unusual droughts, compromising global and...

Event: A just transition towards carbon neutrality – China and Germany...

Greenovation Hub, Climate Transparency, the Institute of Finance and Sustainability, GIZ and the German Embassy in Beijing hold the online event: A just transition towards...

Event: Beyond coal – South Korea and Germany share experiences

Solutions for Our Climate, Climate Transparency and the German Embassy in Seoul hold an online event on 27 January 2021: “Beyond Coal – Towards Net-Zero...

Event: Beyond coal – Towards net-zero emissions

The German Embassy in Tokyo, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Climate Transparency hold an online event on 18 December 2020: “Beyond coal –...

21 May 2019 l Event: Brown to Green Forum

The British Embassy Berlin and Climate Transparency organised the Brown to Green Forum: Managing the phase out of coal - perspectives from Germany, the...

Event: Transition in India’s coal sector

Climate Transparency's partner in India,TERI, conducted a workshop on transition in India’s coal sector on 15 May 2019. The workshop was a significant success, with...

Event: Global energy transition and future of coal in Indonesia

The Institute for Essential Services Reform, the Climate Transparency Partner in Indonesia, organised two events: on 1 April an international seminar entitled "Global Energy...

Event: A just coal transition for South Africa

The Energy Research Centre, TIPS, IDDRI and Climate Strategies organised a symposium on a just coal transition in South Africa on 27 February 2019...

Climate Transparency

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in Brazil

On 25 November 2020 CentroClima, Climate Transparency’s partner organisation in Brazil, hosted an online event on the occasion of the launch of the Climate...