Climate Transparency cordially invites you to join the online Webinar entitled: “Driving Climate Implementation and Financing the Energy Transition in the G20“, which is taking place as a part of the New York Climate Week program on 24 September 2024 (Tuesday) at 9:00 AM EDT / 3:00 PM CEST.

Driving Climate Implementation and
Financing the Energy Transition in the G20

24 September 2024 (Tuesday)

9:00-10:00 EDT (15:00-16:00 CEST)

Convert time

During the one-hour event national experts and partners of Climate Transparency from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia will present the results of their research on the status of financing the energy transition in their countries as well as  the Climate Policy Implementation Check, which they used to identify and analyze gaps between targets and implementation.

During the event following questions will be addressed:

    •  What is the overall state of finance and the implementation of a fast and fair energy transition in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia?
    • How to accelerate this transition and increase accountability?
    • What gaps have been identified so far?
    • What can civil society do to address these gaps?

The assessment of financing needs for a fast and fair energy transition is especially important ahead of the upcoming NDCs update. Through their work, national experts and the partners of Climate Transparency increase stakeholder awareness and promote peer learning among partner countries.

Join our discussion to learn more about financing the energy transition in G20 countries and get a chance to ask our experts your question!


9:00-9:05 Welcoming
9:05-9:10 Climate Policy Implementation Check – introduction
9:10-9:35 Analysis of the state of finance, degree of implementation and existing gaps

Inputs from country experts from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Indonesia

9:35-10:00 Common solutions for an accelerating implementation of fast and fair energy transition

Discussion among country partners

After each part participants will have the chance to ask experts their questions.

National Experts:

William Wills (CBC, Brazil)

M. Aulia Anis (IESR, Indonesia)

Victoria Rocío Laguzzi (FARN, Argentina)

Mariana Gutiérrez Grados (ICM, Mexico)

Moderation: Aleksandra Kotur (Berlin Governance Platform – Int. Sec of Climate Transparency