On 21 October 2021, Mexico’s Climate Initiative (ICM), the Mexican partner of Climate Transparency, presented main findings of the Climate Transparency Report 2021. The online launch event included the participation of Analuz Presbítero, Jorge Villarreal and Mariana Gutiérrez from ICM, Jazmín Rocco Predassi from Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) and William Wills from Centro Clima.

The online event gathered more than 50 participants from civil society and the public sector, actively involved in climate discussions. During the event, the main findings of the Mexican Country Profile and the Highlights Report have been presented, followed by presentations and a discussion on challenges related to climate action and economic recovery in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.

Jorge Villarreal introduced the event, highlighting that: “We are at a crucial moment to implement climate action and also show a sense of urgency, as by 2030 we will already have a 1.2°C increase in global average temperature. We still have time to act and implement policies”.

Concerning the international efforts to pursue Paris Agreement’s goals, the Climate Transparency Report shows that “while several countries’ ambitions increased this year, they are not in line with 1.5°C. This year, only 13 countries have submitted their updated NDCs, but only six of them increased their ambition. Mexico was not one of them”, remarked Mariana Gutiérrez from ICM.

Mexico’s performance has been variable, but the constant is that it is not aligned with Paris Agreement’s targets, argued Jorge Villarreal: “We are two weeks away from COP26, and it is necessary to review and increase our climate commitments. If other countries would make climate commitments similar to those of Mexico, the average increase would be above 3°C”.

Jazmín Rocco Predassi concluded that, like Mexico, fossil fuels still make up 85% of the energy mix in Argentina, although the country has much potential for renewables in the energy sector. The development of renewables is stagnating in Argentina. At the domestic level, policies are not aligning with climate goals.

Compared to the G20, Brazil is well-positioned in terms of the share of renewables in their energy mix. However, still, the country needs to increase ambition and not go in the opposite direction, noted William Wills from Centro Clima.

During the seminar, the priorities of Mexico, Argentina and Brazil towards COP26 were discussed. The importance of a just energy transition in the region was mentioned, as well the essential measures to advance in the decarbonisation of each country.

Watch the recording of the national launch event in Mexico