The Brown to Green Report 2018 launch in Brazil was held at the Salvador Climate Week on 21 August 2019.
Along with the launch of the Brown to Green Report, the Climate Transparency Policy Paper entitled “Accelerating Energy Transition in Latin America” was presented by the authors. The energy transition challenges and opportunities, as well as policies on how Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico could become important and strategic in the fight against climate change and conduct a socially just energy transition, were discussed.
Gustavo Pinheiro from the Climate and Society Institute facilitated the event and made the opening speech, introducing the theme of the session. Prof. Emilio La Rovere, head of CentroClima, talked about the importance of the transparency issue and how the Brown to Green Report tries to fill this gap. William Wills presented in details the Brown to Green Report and the Brazilian country profile as well as the main findings of the energy transition policy paper for Brazil. Mariana Gutierrez discussed the main findings of the paper for Mexico, and Enrique Maurtua Konstantinidis presented the highlights for Argentina.
The event was very well-attended. There were many questions and comments from the audience, which was highly interested in continuing the discussion after the event.