Event: Decarbonisation and Electrification of the Transport Sector in Brazil

On 11 August 2021 the Brazilian partner of Climate Transparency, Centro Clima, organised an online event, which has been joined by the representatives of...

Event: Mexico’s Climate Transparency Dialogues

Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate transparency, through the guidelines for reporting Parties' actions, aims to build confidence in...

Event: The role of central banks in tackling climate change

Climate Transparency’s partner organizations FARN and ODI co-organized two online events in February and April 2021 to raise awareness about the role that central...

Event: A just transition towards carbon neutrality – China and Germany...

Greenovation Hub, Climate Transparency, the Institute of Finance and Sustainability, GIZ and the German Embassy in Beijing hold the online event: A just transition towards...

Event: Beyond coal – South Korea and Germany share experiences

Solutions for Our Climate, Climate Transparency and the German Embassy in Seoul hold an online event on 27 January 2021: “Beyond Coal – Towards Net-Zero...

Event: Beyond coal – Towards net-zero emissions

The German Embassy in Tokyo, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Climate Transparency hold an online event on 18 December 2020: “Beyond coal –...

Event: Energy & climate challenges – closing 2020 and key 2021...

On 17 and 18 December, Climate Transparency together with Enerdata organized two sessions of an online event entitled: "Energy & climate challenges: closing 2020...

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in Mexico

Governments need to rethink how to proceed with a just energy transition, as science has warned about the irreversible environmental consequences if the Earth’s...

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in Brazil

On 25 November 2020 CentroClima, Climate Transparency’s partner organisation in Brazil, hosted an online event on the occasion of the launch of the Climate...

Event: Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 in South Africa

The Energy Systems Research Group (ESRG) at the University of Cape Town, the South African Partner of Climate Transparency, organised a national online launch...