How to Evaluate Implementation? Results from Piloting the Climate Transparency Implementation...

2023 is the year of the first global Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. With the threat of overshooting the 1.5°C limit looming ever...

The Climate Ambition Summit – The G20 transition from coal to...

The United Nations Secretary General António Guterres called to super-charge efforts to achieve the Climate Solidarity Pact through an Acceleration Agenda. The G20 as...

Event: Checking implementation of transport policies

On Friday, 9th June 2023, Climate Transparency, with funding by the European Union Climate Dialogues project, organized an event that offered an exclusive preview...

Event: Launch of the CT Report 2022 in Brazil

On 20th November the Climate Transparency Report 2022 was launched in Brazil in an online presentation and discussion live at youtube. CentroClima (Federal University...

Event: Launch of the CT Report 2022 in Argentina

Climate action in a context of crisis Under this premise, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) presented on 31st October the new Climate Transparency Report...

COP27: Climate Transparency in Sharm El Sheikh

The Secretariat and Climate Transparency partners will join the COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. We will conduct an interactive briefing on the key...

Event: Implications of coal phase-out policies to green employment and economic...

On Wednesday the 6th of July 20222, the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) organized the hybrid Event "Implications of coal phase-out policies to...

Event: Decarbonising Road Transport Sector in India

On 11 March 2022 the Indian Partner of Climate Transparency, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), organised an event entitled "Decarbonising road transport sector...

Event: Aligning international finance for the net-zero economy – A common...

The German Embassy in Tokyo, the Environmental Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Climate Transparency cordially invite you to the event: “Aligning international finance for...

Event: A fair coal phase-out – a needed dialogue for Mexico,...

On 14 December 2021 the Mexican partner of Climate Transparency, Iniciativa Climática de México (ICM), organised the online event entitled “A fair coal phase-out...